Useful npm shorthands
Today I will inform about some npm CLI shorthand commands that we basically encounter in our daily development activities. Below are few shorthand npm CLIcommands
Install a package
## Longhand npm install package-name## shorthandnpm i package-name
Install a package globally
## Longhandnpm install --global package-name## shorthandnpm i -g package-name
Install a package as a dev dependency
## Longhandnpm install --save-dev package-name## shorthandnpm i -D package-name
Update a package
## Longhandnpm update package-name## shorthandnpm up package-name
Uninstall a package
## Longhandnpm uninstall package-name## shorthandnpm un package-name
Check for a node version
## Longhandnpm --version## shorthandnpm -v
Default package.json
## Longhandnpm init --yes## shorthandnpm init -y
Get help
## Longhandnpm help## shorthandnpm
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